Mr. Adnan Ahmad Khan
Mr. Adnan Ahmad Khan
Department of Educational Development
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Mr. Adnan Ahmad Khan

Nationality: Pakistan

Region: Skardu, Gilgit Baltistan

Date of Birth: 13 September, 1996


PHONE: +923401545123

EMAIL: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

National Defense University, Pakistan

2017 - 21

Bachelor of Science in International Relations

University of Essex, UK

2022 - 23

Master of Arts in Sociology

  • Reading Books
  • Singing
  • Hiking
  • MS Office

  • Content Writing

  • Event Management

Dr. Khuram Iqbal

Head of Department (HOD), International Relations, National Defence University, Islamabad

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Dr. Muhammad Riaz

Dr. Muhammad Riaz

Assistant Professor
Department of Educational Development
University of Baltistan Skardu.
E-mail: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.


Dr. Muhammad Riaz completed his Ph.D. in “The contemporary and legitimate role of Media and its implementation in Islamic state” in 2015 from the University of Karachi. Dr. Muhammad Riaz had joined dated 2 March 2020 at the University of Baltistanan  as Assistant Professor in the Subject of Islamic Studies. He has also worked as a Teaching Associate & visiting facultythe  at University of Karachi. He has also been having appropriate experiences in different National newspapers in Karachi for many years. He has also been working with UOBS Media Committee as Urdu Editor and Content Writer. He has published Nineteen (19) research articles as well as a book has also been published entitle: 

نگاہِ انتخاب: سماج کے عامیانہ اُسلوب کا تحلیلی جائزہ

He also participated in the 1st National open Essay Competition 2009, Conducted by Sindh University Jamshoro Title: "Democracy is the Best Revenge: Shaheed Benazir Bhutto's Struggle for Democracy’’ Securing 2nd Position Overall Pakistan.

Four M.Phil. Thesis Evolution:

  1. Mr. Wajid Ali, M.Phil. Student, Islamic Learning University of Karachi, Reg: ISL/KU-43919, (معاشرتی اِرتقاء میں حائل غربت اور جہالت کے اسباب و اثرات اور تدارک کا نصوصِ اسلامی کی روشنی میں تحقیقی جائزہ)

¦       Poverty and ignorance causes, effects and solution; an analytical research in the light of Islamic text


  1. Mr. Shams Uddin, M.Phil. Student, Islamic Learning University of Karachi, Reg: ISL/KU-03859, (عہدِ حاضر میں اقامتِ دین کےلئے مسلح جدوجہد کے حوالے سے دلائل میں اہلِ علم کی آراء کا تقابلی اور تجزیاتی مطالعہ)

¦       A comparative and analytic study of various/different opinions of Islamic Scholars on armed struggle for the establishment of Islam in current times.


  1. Mr. Fida Hussain, M.Phil. Student, Islamic Learning University of Karachi, Reg: ISL/KU-43413, (اتحادِ اُمت پر ایران کے اسلامی انقلاب کے اثرات کا تحقیقی مطالعہ)

¦       A research study of the effects of the Islamic Revolution of Iran on the unity of the Ummah.


  1. Ms. Huma Hassan, MS. Student, Islamic Learning Jinnah University for women, Karachi, BASR/MS/Soc-Sci/2020/166 (قرآن و حدیث کی روشنی میں فساد فی الارض کے اسباب و محرکات اور قیامِ امن کےلئے تجاویز)

¦       In the light of Qur'an and Hadith, the causes and motives of corruption on earth and suggestions for the establishment of peace

  1. Mr. Mir Muhammad Abbas, M.Phil. Student, Islamic Learning University of Karachi, Karachi, ASRB No.03984/1.Stu. (عالمگیر ماحولیاتی مسائل کا حل، اسلامی نصوص کی روشنی میں تحقیقی مطالعہ)

¦       The solution to global environmental issues, research study in the light of Islamic texts

  1. Mr. Sajjad Ali, Mphil. Student, Islamic Learning University of Karachi, Karachi, ASRB No.05582/1.Stu. (قوموں کے عروج و زوال کے اسباب کا تحقیقی جائزہ قرآن اور نہج البلاغہ کی روشنی میں)












Ph.D. Subject: Islamic Studies, Topic: Mass Communication

The contemporary and legitimate role of Media and its implementation in Islamic state

ذرائع اِبلاغ کا عصری و شرعی کردار اور اِسلامی ریاست میں اس کا اطلاق، ایک تحقیقی مطالعہ

M.A Mass Communication, M.A Islamic Studies

Assistant Professor (TTS)

(University of Baltistan Skardu 02 March, 2020 to Continue)
Assistant Professor (IPFP, Contract)

(University of Baltistan Skardu 31 October, 2018 to 18 December 2019)
Assistant Professor (Visiting)

 (University of Baltistan Skardu February 2018 to June 2018)

Teaching Associate & Visiting faculty

(University of Karachi, Karachi 2015 – 2017)

Print Media Journalist

(Deferent Newspaper, Karachi. 2005 – 2012)


I started my career in 2005 as Sub Editor, Daily Kainaat Newspaper, Karachi During my Masters in Mass Communication from Federal Urdu University, Karachi, and Assistant News Editor Daily Deyanet Newspaper in 2006 to 2009 and Researcher & Script writer News One Channel, Karachi in 2011 to 2012. Became Teaching Associate & Visiting faculty in 2015 to 2017after completion of my Ph.D., in Islamic Studies from University of Karachi, Karachi. I am author of Thirteen (13) nationally published research papers in HEC recognized Journals, Ten (10) Columns Published in Local Newspaper and Ten (10) Columns Published in HUMSAB website. I have been Advisory Member of Two (2) research Journals Namely Noor-e-Marifat, Islamabad and Ma’arif Islamia, Department of Islamic Studies, University of Karachi, Karachi.



Name                          :                       Muhammad Riaz

Father Name               :                       Ghulam Nabi

CNIC                                        :                       42201-8481691-7

Citizenship                              :                       Pakistani        

Religion                                   :                       Islam

Domicile                                  :                       Skardu Baltistan, Gilgit Baltistan

Email                                       :                       This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

Address                                   :                       University of Baltistan, Hussainabad,

Kargil road, Skardu.

Tel                                           :                       +92-5815-960071, +92-5815-960072

Cell                                          :                       +92-355-5785843, +92-333-3992756

Web-Blog                                :             




I am an enthusiastic and Media professional; I am quick to grasp new ideas and concepts, and to develop innovative and creative solutions to problems. I am able to work well on my own initiative and can demonstrate the high levels of motivation required to meet the tightest of deadlines. Even under significant pressure, I possess a strong ability to perform effectively.

To get a challenging position where I can express my ideas and thinking with free mind and full liberty and can use my experience of journalism.


Assistant Professor (IPFP),                University of Baltistan,     

                                                                                          31, October 2018 to 18 December 2019

Assistant Professor (Visiting),                         University of Baltistan,

                                                                                          Feb 2018 to June 2018


Teaching associate & visiting faculty,             University of Karachi         

                                                                                          2015 to 2017

Worked alongside teacher's assistance to facilitate literacy development in Islamic Civilization, influence of Islamic Civilization on the Subcontinent, international Influence of Islamic Civilization etc.


Researcher & Script Writer,                             News one channel, Karachi,                           

                                                                                          Nov 2011 – Dec 2012

Worked alongside Current affairs, Political affairs, and Islamic affairs.

Feature writer & sub editor,                            Daily Ummat Karachi                                      

                                                                                          Jan 2010 – Aug 2011

Editing News, Subbing and Writing

Assistant News editor,                                     Daily Diyanat Karachi                                      

                                                                                          June 2006 – June 2009

News Collection, Editing News, Subbing and Writing

Sub editor,                                                                        Daily Kainaat Karachi,                                                    

                                                                                          June 2005 – June 2006

Editing News, Subbing and Writing



Ph.D. (IslamiC sTUDIES)

                        University of Karachi, Karachi                                    (19 June 2015)

Dissertation Topic:

”ذرائع ابلاغ کا عصری و شرعی کردار اور اسلامی ریاست میں اس کا اطلاق، ایک تحقیقی مطالعہ“

"The contemporary and legitimate role of Media and its implementation in Islamic state, a research study."


M.S. (IslamiC sTUDIES)                                                                                   (3.5 CGPA)

University of Karachi, Karachi                                                            (2010)


M.A. (mass communication)                                                  (2nd Division)

Federal Urdu University, Karachi                                                       (2007)


M.A. (IslamiC sTUDIES)                                                                                   (2nd Division)

University of Karachi, Karachi                                                            (2005)



fadil arabic (Oriental Learning)                                                          (1st Division)

Board of secondary education, Karachi                                             (2006)

alim arabic (Oriental Learning)                                                          (2nd Division)

Board of secondary education, Karachi                                             (2005)

adeeb arabic (Oriental Learning)                                                       (1st Division)

Board of secondary education, Karachi                                             (2004)



(1)          Dr. Muhammad Riaz, (2022), General conformation of the media and the attitude of elite (rulers) in Muslim states, The Islamic Culture, Volume: 47 Issue: 1, Page: 1-18

مسلم ریاستوں میں ذرائع ابلاغ کی عمومی ہیئت اور طبقہ اشرافیہ (حکمرانوں) کا رویہ

Article link:



(2)          Dr. Muhammad Riaz, (2022), Communication method of Islam and the views of modern Religious scholars, A comparative study, Bayan ul Hikma, Volume: 8, Issue: 8, Page: 1-23

اسلام کا طریقہ ٔابلاغ اور جدید مذہبی دانشوروں کی آراء، ایک تقابلی جائزہ

Article link:



(3)          Dr. Muhammad Riaz, (2022), Historical and analytical review of the Biography of Hazrat Hamza, Noor-e-Marfat, Volume: 13, Issue: 2, Page: 66-91

سیرتِ حضرت حمزہؓ کا تاریخی و تحلیلی جائزہ

Article link: article/ view/331



(4)          Dr. Muhammad Riaz, Dr. Muhammad Hamza, (2022), Underage marriage: understanding, history, disorders (medically, socially, economically, psychologically) and Contemporary, Rahat-ul-Quloob, Volume: 06, Issue: 02, Page: 37-51

کم سنی کی شادی: تفہیم، تاریخ، مفاسد (طبی، معاشرتی، معاشی، نفسیاتی) اور عصرِ حاضر

Article link:


(5)          Dr. Muhammad Riaz, Dr. Muhammad Hamza, (2022), Corona virus: a research study of the psychological and economic trends of Muslim society. Al Dalili, Volume: 3, Issue: 2, Page: 17-30

کورونا وائرس:مسلم سماج کے نفسیاتی و معاشی رجحان کا تحقیقی مطالعہ

Article link:


(6)          Dr. Muhammad Riaz, Dr. Sabir Ali, (2021), Adaptation to society and human behaviors of modern age: A contemporary study. The Islamic Culture Volume: 46, Issue: 2, Page: 95-112

سماج اور جدید انسانی رویوں میں تطابق: ایک عصری مطالعہ

Article link:



(7)          Dr. Muhammad Riaz, Naila Batool, (2021), The Role of Media in the Promotion of Divine Religions and Contemporary Communication Methods. Journal of Islamic & Religious Studies, Volume: 6, Issue: 2, Page: 39-55

الہامی مذاہب کی ترویج میں ذرائع ابلاغ کا کردار اور عصرحاضر کی ابلاغی روشیں

Article link:



(8)          Dr. Muhammad Riaz, Dostdar Hussain, (2020), Temporary Marriage in the View of the sahihayn (Sahih Bukhari & Muslim) & fariqayn (Shia and Sunni). Noor-e-Marfat, Volume:11, Issue: 3, Page: 106-116,

مواقت شادی: صحیحین اور فریقین کی نظر میں

Article link:


(9)          Dr. Muhammad Riaz, Dr. Haji Karim Khan, (2019), The Initial Political Scenario of an Islamic State and its Basic Principles, Rahat-ul-Quloob, Volume: 3.2, Issue: 2, Page: 242-251

اسلامی ریاست کا اولین سیاسی منظر نامہ اور اس کے مبادی اُصول

Article link:


(10)        Dr. Muhammad Riaz, (2017), The problem of identifying the system of governance in Islamic society, Al-Tafseer, Volume: 29-30, Issue: 2, Page: 89-101

اسلامی معاشرت میں نظامِ حکمرانی کی شناخت کا مسئلہ

Article link:



(11)        Dr. Muhammad Riaz, (2017), The role of the art of communication in the publicizing campaign of the Prophethood of the prophet of Islam, Noor-e-Marfat, Volume: 8, Issue: 1, Page: 31-50

پیغمبراسلامﷺکی بعثت کی تشہیری مہم میں فنِ ابلاغیات کا کردار

Article link:



(12)        Dr. Muhammad Riaz, (2016), Islam and Child Rights (A Sociological Analysis), Noor-e-Marfat, Volume: 7, Issue: 3, Page: 61-78

اسلام اور بچوں کے حقوق، ایک عمرانی تجزیہ

Article link:



(13)        Dr. Muhammad Riaz, (2016), Communication features of civic state of Madina, The Islamic Culture, Volume: 36, Issue: 2, Page: 84-95

مدینہ کی شہری ریاست کے ابلاغی خدوخال

Article link:



(14)        Dr. Muhammad Riaz, (2016), The general approach of the Muslim media and its comparison with the western style of Communication, Al-Tafseer, Volume 27-28, Issue,1 Page: 114-128

مسلم ذرائع ابلاغ کی عمومی روش اور مغربی طرزِ ابلاغ سے اُس کا تقابل

Article link:



(15)        Dr. Muhammad Riaz, (2015), Preaching Islam in the light of the principles of communication, Al-Tafseer, Volume:25-26, Issue: 2, Page: 32-45

تبلیغِ اسلام۔ ابلاغیات کے اُصولوں کی روشنی میں

Article link:



(16)        Dr. Muhammad Riaz, (2015), Historical steps of Muslims communication process, The Islamic Culture, Volume: 33, Issue: 1, Page: 89-106

مسلم ابلاغی عمل کا تاریخی و تدریجی خاکہ

Article link:



(17)        Dr. Muhammad Riaz, (2015), The beginning and evolution of means of Communication and its contemporary significance (An analytical study), Noor-e-Marfat, Volume:  6, Issue: 4, Page: 75-98

ذرائع ابلاغ کا آغاز و اِرتقاء اور عصری اہمیت(ایک تحقیقی مطالعہ)

Article link:



(18)        Dr. Muhammad Riaz, (2015), Communication approaches in Contemporary Islamic States, Noor-e-Marfat, Volume: 6, Issue: 3, Page: 63-88

معاصر اسلامی ریاستوں میں ذرائع ابلاغ کے مناہج

Article link:



(19)        Dr. Muhammad Riaz, (2015), The Impetus for terrorism in Pakistan and the strategic role of Mass Media, Noor-e-Marfat, Volume: 6, Issue:1, Page: 155-176

پاکستان میں دہشتگردی کے محرکات اور ذرائع ابلاغ کا تزویراتی کردار

Article link:




(1) ’’جامعہ بلتستان: علم و ادب کا گہوارہ اور عظیم درسگاہ‘‘

(2)بلتستان یونیورسٹی:سہ روزہ ورکشاپ بعنوان:


(3) ’’بلتستان یونیورسٹی کی تزویراتی اہمیت اور سنڈیکیٹ کی تشکیل ‘‘

 (4) ’’بلتستان یونیورسٹی:اِبتکارِ علم کا شعوری منبع ‘‘

(5) ’’کیا گلگت بلتستان پاکستان کا آئینی حصہ نہیں بن سکتا؟‘‘

(6)’’رکشوں کی ریکارڈ فروخت۔ایک سال میں 300فیصد اضافہ۔۔۔۔ خصوصی فیچر”

 (7)’’کراچی، ہزاروں خاندان پلوں کے نیچے مقیم ہیں۔۔۔۔۔خصوصی فیچر”

 (8)’’خطہ گلگت بلتستان:سیاسی اُفق کے نئے دہانے پر‘‘

 (9)’’نوجوانوں کی تربیت سازی میں میڈیا کا کردار‘‘

 (10)’’گلگت بلتستان میں قومی یکجہتی کا تصور اور سرد مہری کی شکار قوم پرستی۔۔۔۔۔4اقساط‘‘




Can operate Windows 98, 2000, 2007, 2010, XP

MS office 2000, 2007, 2013, 2015 (Composing & Formatting)

Internet surfing, browsing

Urdu Inpage (Normal) 2000, 2009, 2011

Inpage3.0, Professional (Composing, formatting)

Web Designing, Maintaining


& Member Advisory Board of Research Journal "Noor-e-Marifat" Islamabad

& Member Advisory Board of Research Journal "Bayan-ul-Hikmah", Shah Abdul Latif University, Sindh



& General Journalism Concerts

& Drafting

& Team Building Leadership

& Basic Moral Values of Media

& Education


 1st National open easy Completion 2009,

Conduct by Sindh University Jamshoro Title:

Democracy is the Best Revenge: Shaheed Benazir Bhutto's Struggle For Democracy.

2nd Position Overall Pakistan.